About Me
Passionate About Women Thriving & Living Their BEST LIFE
Hi, I’m Rachel Gubler. I love playing in water, I enjoy the desert heat, and my guilty treat of choice is homemade ice cream. I’m a mother to 2 energetic young boys, and I know the exhaustion, frustration, & overwhelm that can accompany being a mother.
I get frustrated with stereotypes, especially when it comes to our menstrual cycle. Did you grow up hating it too? Calling it an inconvenience, wishing you didn’t have to deal with it, and feeling embarrassed when the first day of your period arrived?
The thing is, all though I experienced all these things just like you, I also grew up in the herbal world. I worked in the BEST herb shop that was run by a mother, who was empowering women. I saw hundreds, even thousands, of women heal their hormonal issues. I learned as a 16 year old that libido for women was more than just sex drive, it was about passion for LIFE, not just a sexual relationship.

Due to the environment I grew up in, both workplace and home environment, I felt empowered to have both my boys at home. I LOVED having home births, and we can still be friends if you LOVED your hospital birth. I had a fantastic midwife, who was concerned for me when I hemorrhaged (lost a significant amount of blood) after birthing my oldest. She trusted me when I said, “I don’t want a blood transfusion, I can build my blood back with herbs & nutrition”. Fun thing was, I built my blood back up faster than the woman who gave birth two days before me, who also hemorrhaged and did a blood transfusion. That was such an empowering experience for me in so many ways.
I believe we haven’t been taught how to work WITH our body. I am here to CHANGE THAT. I want every woman to understand and FEEL how incredible she is, and her body is. I want that for YOU so deeply. Our body is meant to be a catalyst for the changes and experiences we want in life.
If you are feeling stuck, numb, lethargic, fatigued, and unfulfilled, let’s talk. I KNOW there is more for you. I know you can feel passionate, strong, confident, joyful, and fulfilled. I’m done encouraging the narrative that mothers need to consistently sacrifice for everyone else in their life. You can be the loving nurturing mother AND the woman who has her own passions outside of motherhood.
I’m a Holistic Iridologist, International Institute of Iridology
Valedictorian for The Class of 2017
I’m a Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor (TNC), Holistic Health Educators
I’m an herbalist, 7 years of training & 12 years of experience
I’m a menstrual cycle coach, through years of research, study, & experience!